- C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Overview 14, Creep Fracture in Ceramic Polycrystals-II. Effects of Inhomogeneity on Creep Rupture," Acta Metall., 29 [12] 1907-1917 (1981).
- C. H. Hsueh, A. G. Evans and R. L. Coble, "Overview 22, Microstructure Development during Final/Intermediate Stage Sintering-I. Pore/Grain Boundary Separation," Acta Metall., 30 [7] 1269-1279 (1982).
- C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Microstructure Evolution During Sintering: The Role of Evaporation and Condensation," Acta Metall., 31 [1] 189-198 (1983).
- M. Sakarcan, C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Experimental Assessment of Pore Breakaway During Sintering," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 66 [6] 456-461 (1983).
- M. D. Thouless, C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "A Damage Model of Creep Crack Growth in Polycrystals," Acta Metall., 31 [10] 1675-1687 (1983).
- C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Oxidation Induced Stresses and Some Effects on the Behavior of Oxide Films," J. Appl. Phys., 54 [11] 6672-6686 (1983).
- C. H. Hsueh and L. C. De Jonghe, "Particle Rotation in Early Sintering," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 67 [10] C215-217 (1984).
- J. L. Tzou, C. H. Hsueh, A. G. Evans and R. O. Ritchie, "Fatigue Crack Propagation in Oil Environments-II. A Model for Crack Closure Induced by Viscous Fluids," Acta Metall., 33 [1] 117-127 (1985).
- C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Residual Stresses and Cracking in Metal/Ceramic Systems for Microelectronics Packaging," J. Am. Ceram Soc., 68 [3] 120-127 (1985).
- C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Residual Stresses in Metal/Ceramic Bonded Strips," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 68 [5] 241-248 (1985).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Heterogeneity Shape on Sintering Induced Stresses," Scripta Metall., 19 [8] 977-982 (1985).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Sintering of a Ceramic Film on a Rigid Substrate," Scripta Metall., 19 [10] 1213-1217 (1985).
- M. N. Rahaman, L. C. De Jonghe and C. H. Hsueh, "Creep during Sintering of Porous Compacts," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69 [1] 58-60 (1986).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Mathematical Model of Viscosity Measurements for Viscoelastic Solids," J. Am. Cream. Soc., 69 [3] C48-49 (1986).
- C. H. Hsueh, A. G. Evans and R. M. McMeeking, "Influence of Multiple Heterogeneities on Sintering Rates," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69 [4] C64-66 (1986).
- C. H. Hsueh, A. G. Evans, R. M. Cannon and R. J. Brook, "Viscoelastic Stresses and Sintering Damages in Heterogeneous Powder Compacts," Acta Metall., 34 [5] 927-936 (1986).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Sintering Behavior of Powder Compacts with Multiheterogeneities," J. Mater. Sci., 21 [6] 2067-2072 (1986).
- A. G. Evans and C. H. Hsueh, "Behavior of Large Pores during Sintering and Hot Pressing," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69 [6] 444-448 (1986).
- L. C. De Jonghe, M. N. Rahaman and C. H. Hsueh, "Transient Stresses in Bimodal Compacts during Sintering," Acta Metall., 34 [7] 1467-1471 (1986).
- A. G. Evans and C. H. Hsueh, "Residual Stresses and Damage in Multilayer Ceramic/Metal Packages," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 72 91-112 (1986).
- H. C. Cao, B. J. Dalgleish, C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "High Temperature Stress Corrosion Cracking in Ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 70 [4] 257-264 (1987).
- J. E. Marion, C. H. Hsueh and A. G. Evans, "Liquid Phase Sintering of Ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 70 [10] 708-713 (1987).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Evaluation of Bridging Stress From R-Curve Behavior for Nontransforming Ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [5] C234-237 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Elastic Load Transfer From Partially Embedded Axially Loaded Fiber To Matrix," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 7 [5] 497-500 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analytical Evaluation of Interfacial Shear Strength for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [6] 490-493 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Some Considerations of Nonideal Transformation-Zone Profile," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [6] 494-497 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Comment on Sintering With Rigid Inclusions," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [6] C314-315 (1988).
- N. Naito and C. H. Hsueh, "Residual Stress and Strain in Pyrolytic Boron Nitride Resulting from Thermal Anisotropy," J. Mater. Sci., 23 [6] 1901-1905 (1988)
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Thermal Expansion Coefficients of Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [10] C438-441 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Sintering of Whisker-Reinforced Ceramics and Glasses," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [10] C442-444 (1988).
- C. H. Hsueh, P. F. Becher and P. Angelini, "Effects of Interfacial Films on Thermal Stresses in Whisker-Reinforced Ceramics," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71 [11] 929-933 (1988), also in Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 9 [7-8] 679-680 (1988).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, P. Angelini and T. N. Tiegs, "Toughening Behavior in Whisker-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites," J. Am. Ceram Soc., 71 [12] 1050-1061 (1988).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, P. Angelini and T. N. Tiegs, "Factors Influencing the Toughening Behavior of Whisker Reinforced Ceramics," Proc. Conference on Whisker- and Fiber-Toughened Ceramics, p. 109-112 (1988)
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, P. Angelini and T. N. Tiegs, "Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Toughening Behavior of Whisker Reinforcement in Ceramic Matrix Composites," Mater. Sci. Eng., A107, 257-259 (1989).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Aspect Ratios of Ellipsoidal Inclusions on Elastic Stress Transfer of Ceramic Composites," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72 [2] 344-347 (1989).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Some Considerations of Evaluation of Interfacial Frictional Stress from the Indentation Technique for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 8 [6] 739-742 (1989).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. C. Lu, "Elastic Stress Transfer from Fiber to Coating in a Fiber-Coating System," Mater. Sci. Eng., A117, 115-123 (1989).
- C. H. Hsueh, M. K. Ferber and P. F. Becher, "Stress-Displacement Relation of Fiber for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites during (Indentation) Loading and Unloading," J. Mater. Res., 4 [11-12] 1529-1537 (1989)
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analytical Analyses of Stress Transfer in Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Bonded and Debonded Fiber Ends," J. Mater. Sci., 24 [12] 4475-4482 (1989).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Mater. Sci. Eng., A123 [1] 1-11 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Fiber Pullout against Push-down for Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Frictional Interfaces," J. Mater. Sci., 25 [2] 811-817 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Friction Analysis for Fiber-Reinforced Composites During Fiber Push-Down (Indentation)," J. Mater. Sci., 25 [2] 818-828 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Evaluation of Interfacial Shear Strength, Residual Clamping Stress and Coefficient of Friction for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," Acta Metall., 38 [3] 403-409 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, II: Non-Constant Interfacial Bond Strength," Mater. Sci. Eng., A125 [1] 67-73 (1990).
- P. F. Becher, P. Angelini, C. H. Hsueh and T. N. Tiegs, "Whisker Reinforced Ceramics: Toughening Behavior and Properties," Cer. Acta, 2 [6] 9-25 (1990).
- M. C. Lu and C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Friction in Ceramic Coating/Fiber Composites," J. Comp. Mater., 24 [6] 572-593 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Interfacial Bonding on Sliding Phenomena during Compressive Loading of an Embedded Fiber," J. Mater. Sci., 25 [9] 4080-4086 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Theoretical Comparison of Two Loading Methods in Fiber Pull-out Tests," Mater. Sci. Eng., A130 [2] L11-15 (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Some Applications of Fiber Pullout Analyses," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 10 [1] 29-32 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, J. D. Bright and D. K. Shetty, "Interfacial Properties of SiC-Borosilicate Glass Composites Evaluated from Pushout and Pullout Tests," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 10 [3] 135-138 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Some Considerations of Determination of Residual Stresses and Young's Moduli in Ceramic Coatings," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 74 [7] 1646-1649 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, P. F. Becher and W. J. Lackey, "Thermal and Mechanical Induced Stresses in Superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox Coatings on Fibers," J. Appl. Phys., 70 [3] 1337-1344 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Stress-Displacement Relation during Fiber Pullout," Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 19: Advanced Composite Materials, p. 575-581 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Some Considerations of Bridging Stresses for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramics," Compos. Engng., 1 [3] 129-143 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Toughening Behavior and Interfacial Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," ASME J. of Energy Resources Technology (JERT), 113 [3] 197-203 (1991), also in Composite Material Technology 1990, PD-Vol.32, p. 119-126, edited by D. Hui and T. J. Kozik, ASME, New York (1990).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Thermal Stresses due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy in Materials with Preferred Orientation," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 10 [10] 1165-1167 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, III: with Residual Radial and Axial Stresses," Mater. Sci. Eng., A145 [2] 135-142 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, IV: Sliding due to Residual Stresses," Mater. Sci. Eng., A145 [2] 143-150 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, V: With a Viscous Interface," Mater. Sci. Eng., A149 [1] 1-9 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, VI: Interpretation of Fiber Pull-out Curves," Mater. Sci. Eng., A149 [1] 11-18 (1991).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, VII: Improved Analyses for Bonded Interfaces," Mater. Sci. Eng., A154 [2] 125-132 (1992).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Requirements of Frictional Debonding at Fiber/Matrix Interfaces for Tough Ceramic Composites," Compos. Engng., 2 [8] 655-663 (1992).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Strength versus Energy Debonding Criteria at Fiber/Matrix Interfaces," Compos. Engng., 2 [8] 665-675 (1992).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Modifications of Fiber Pull-out Analyses," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 11 [12] 1663-1666 (1992).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, VIII: The Energy-Based Debonding Criterion," Mater. Sci. Eng., A159 [1] 65-72 (1992).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, IX: A Simple Treatment of Poisson's Effect for Frictional Interfaces," Mater. Sci. Eng., A161 [1] L1-L6 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, M. K. Ferber and A. A. Wereszczak, "The Relative Residual Fiber Displacement after Indentation Loading and Unloading of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," J. Mater. Sci., 28 [8] 2227-2232 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. K. Ferber, "Evaluations of Residual Axial Stresses and Interfacial Friction in Nicalon Fiber-Reinforced Macro-Defect-Free Cement Composites," J. Mater. Sci., 28 [9] 2551-2556 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Embedded-End Debonding during Fiber Pullout," Mater. Sci. Eng., A163 [1] L1-L4 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Debonding and Fiber Pull-out Stresses of Fiber-Reinforced Composites, X: with an Elastic Interfacial Coating," Mater. Sci. Eng., A165 [2] 189-195 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Slice Compression Tests for Aligned Ceramic Matrix Composites," Acta Metall. Mater., 41 [12] 3585-3593 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Some Considerations of Two-Way Debonding during Fiber Pullout," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 12 [24] 1933-1936 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Evaluation of Interfacial Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites Using a Mechanical Properties Microprobe," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76 [12] 3041-3050 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Evaluation of Interfacial Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites Using Fiber Push-in Tests," Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 38: Advances in Ceramic-Matrix Composites, p. 151-162 (1993).
- C. H. Hsueh, H. Tsuda, M. Enoki and T. Kishi, "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Fiber Pull-out of SiC Fiber-Reinforced Glasses," J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 13 [1] 47-52 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "An Asymptotic Approach for Debonding at the Fiber/Matrix Interface," Mater. Sci. Eng., A174 [1] L17-22 (1994).
- M. K. Ferber, E. Lara-Curzio, C. H. Hsueh, A. A. Wereszczak, and R. A. Lowden, "Application of an Interfacial Test System to the Measurement of Interfacial Properties in Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites," 39th International SAMPE Symposium, p. 1768-1779, Society for the Advancement of Material Process and Engineering, Anaheim, CA, April 11-14, (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Considerations of Radial Dependences of Axial Stresses in the Shear Lag Model for fiber pullout," J. Mater. Sci., 29 [7] 1801-1806 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Slice Compression Tests Versus Fiber Push-in Tests," J. Compos. Mater., 28 [7] 638-655 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Pullout of a Ductile Fiber from a Brittle Matrix, Part I: Shear Lag Model," J. Mater. Sci., 29 [18] 4793-4801 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Pullout of a Ductile Fiber from a Brittle Matrix, Part II: A Simplified Model," J. Mater. Sci., 29 [19] 5135-5140 (1994).
- W. Zhang, J. H. Schneibel and C. H. Hsueh, "Sintering of Regular Two-Dimensional Arrays of Particles by Surface and Grain Boundary Diffusion," Philos. Mag., 70 [6] 1107-1118 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Interfacial Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Fiber Push-in and Slice Compression Tests," pp. 219-220, Proceeding of First International Conference on Composites Engineering, D. Hui (ed.), ICCE/1, New Orleans (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "A Two-Dimensional Stress Transfer Model for Platelet Reinforcement," Compos. Engng., 4 [10] 1033-1043 (1994).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Thermal Expansion Anisotropy of Coating on Thermal Stresses in Fiber/Coating Systems," Handbook of Advanced Materials Testing, Edited by N. P. Cheremisinoff and P. N. Cheremisinoff, Marcel Dekker Publishers, Inc., New York, p. 527-538 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "A Modified Analysis for Stress Transfer in Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Bonded Fiber ends," J. Mater. Sci., 30 [1] 219-224 (1995).
- P. F. Becher, S. L. Hwang and C. H. Hsueh, "Using Microstructure to Attack the Brittle Nature of Silicon Nitride Ceramics," MRS Bulletin series on Silicon-Based Ceramics, 20 [2] 23-27 (1995).
- K. B. Alexander, P. F. Becher, X. L. Wang and C. H. Hsueh, "Internal Stresses and the Martensite Start Temperature in Alumina-Zirconia Composites: Effects of Composition and Microstructure," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 [2] 291-296 (1995).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, H. T. Lin, K. B. Alexander, T. N. Tiegs, W. H. Warwick, and S. B. Waters, "Properties of Whisker-Reinforced Ceramics," Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 46: Advances in Ceramic-Matrix Composites II, p. 237-261, J. P. Singh and N. P. Bansal (ed.) American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Slice Compression Tests for Aligned Ceramic Matrix Composites__II. Type II Boundary Condition," Acta Metall. Mater., 43 [4] 1407-1413 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Matrix Cracking with Frictional Bridging Fibers in Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites," J. Mater. Sci., 30 [7] 1781-1789 (1995).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh and S. B. Waters, "Thermal Expansion Anisotropy in Hot-Pressed SiC-Whisker-Reinforced Alumina Composites," Mater. Sci. Eng., A196, 249-251 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "R-Curve Behavior of Whisker-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," pp. 337-338, Proceeding of Second International Conference on Composites Engineering, D. Hui (ed.), ICCE/2, New Orleans (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Stress Transfer from Axially Loaded Fiber to Matrix in a Microcomposite," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 365, 217-227 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Determination of R-Curve from Strength-Indentation Load Relation," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 [8] 2237-2239 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Matrix Cracking Stresses of Unidirectional Ceramic Matrix Composites," Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 108-110: Ceramic Matrix Composites, p. 457-474, G. M. Newaz, H. Neber-Aeschbacher, and F. H. Wöhlbier (ed.) Trans Tech Publication Ltd., Switzerland (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Matrix Cracking with Frictional Bridging Fibers in Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites, Part II: Cracking due to Residual Stresses," J. Mater. Sci., 30 [19] 4793-4800 (1995).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, K. B. Alexander, H. T. Lin, W. H. Warwick, C. G. Westmoreland, and S. B. Waters, "Structural Ceramics Incorporating Whiskers, Platelets, and Particulate Phases," J. Belgium Ceramic Soc., Silicates Industriels, 60 [9-10] 239-249 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Modeling of Elastic Stress Transfer in Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Trends Polym. Sci., 3 [10] 336-341 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, F. Rabillat, J. Lamon and E. Lara-Curzio, "Analyses of Fiber Push-out Tests Performed on Nicalon/SiC Composites with Tailored Interfaces," Compos. Engng., 5 [10-11] 1387-1401 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Matrix Cracking with Bonded Interfaces in Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 14 [23] 1698-1701 (1995).
- C. H. Hsueh, D. B. Brandon and N. Shafry, "Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Slice Compression Tests," Mater. Sci. Eng., A205, 91-100 (1996).
- P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, K. B. Alexander, and E. Y. Sun "Influence of Reinforcement Content and Diameter on the R-Curve Response in SiC-Whisker-Reinforced Alumina," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 [2] 298-304 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Criteria for Progressive Interfacial Debonding with Friction in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 409, 215-221 (1996).
- E. Y. Sun, C. H. Hsueh, and P. F. Becher, "R-Curve Response of Silicon Carbide Whisker-Reinforced Alumina: Microstructural Influence," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 409, 223-228 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Crack-Wake Interfacial Debonding Criteria for Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," Acta Mater., 44 [6] 2211-2216 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Residual Thermal Stresses in Ceramic Composites, Part I: with Ellipsoidal Inclusions," Mater. Sci. Eng., A212 [1], 22-28 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Residual Thermal Stresses in Ceramic Composites, Part II: with Short Fibers," Mater. Sci. Eng., A212 [1], 29-35 (1996).
- P. F. Becher, E. Y. Sun, C. H. Hsueh, K. B. Alexander, S. L. Hwang, S. B. Waters and C. G. Westmoreland, "Debonding of Interfaces Between Beta-Silicon Nitride Whiskers and Si-Al-Y Oxynitride Glasses," Acta Mater., 44 [10] 3881-3893 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Evaluation of Interfacial Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," Extended Abstracts of 1st International Workshop on Synergy Ceramics, p. 78-81, Nov. 17-19, 1996, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan.
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Analyses of Residual Thermal Stresses in Ceramic Matrix Composites," Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 17 [3] 24-33 (1996).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Stress Transfer Problems for a Fully Embedded Fiber with a Bonded Interface and Bonded Ends," Proceedings of PacRim 2 Meeting, 15-17, July 1996, Cairns, Australia, Eds. P. Walls, C. Sorrell and A. Ruys, Symposium 25- Mechanical Testing, Reliability and Machining of Ceramics, p. 18-24.
- C. H. Hsueh, R. J. Young, X. Yang and P. F. Becher, "Stress Transfer in a Model Composite Containing a Single Embedded Fiber," Acta Mater., 45 [4] 1469-1476 (1997).
- P. F. Becher, E. Y. Sun, K. P. Plucknett, and C. H. Hsueh, "The R-Curve Response of Ceramics with Microscopic Reinforcements: Reinforcement and additive Effects," pp. 271-83 in Engineering Ceramics - From Processing to Composites, edited by G. N. Babini, M. Haviar and P. Sajgalik, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1997).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Interfacial Roughness on Fiber Push-out," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 16, 354-357 (1997).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Matrix Cracking Stresses in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," pp. 449-450, Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, D. Hui (ed.), ICCE/4, Big Island, Hawaii (1997).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Some Applications of Two-Dimensional Stress Transfer Analyses," Acta Mater., 46 [6] 2131-2138 (1998).
- E. Y. Sun, P. F. Becher, S. B. Waters, C. H. Hsueh, K. P. Plucknett, and M. J. Hoffmann "Control of Interface in Silicon Nitride Ceramics: Influence of Different Rare Earth Elements," p. 779-786, Ceramic Microstructures '96: Control at the Atomic Level, A. P. Tomsia and A. Glaeser, eds., Plenum Press, NY (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Interfacial Shear Debonding Problems in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," Acta Mater., 46 [9] 3237-3245 (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, "Analyses of Interfacial Shear Debonding in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," pp. 383-384, Proceeding of Fifth International Conference on Composites Engineering, D. Hui (ed.), ICCE/5, Las Vegas, Nevada (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh, E. Y. Sun, P. F. Becher, and K. P. Plucknett, "Crack Profiles in Applied Moment Double Cantilever Beam Tests," J. Mater. Res., 13 [9] 2539-2546 (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Elastic Strain Energy Change during Matrix Cracking in Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 17, 1421-1425 (1998).
- P. F. Becher, E. Y. Sun, K. P. Plucknett, K. B. Alexander, C. H. Hsueh, H. T. Lin, S. B. Waters, C. G. Westmoreland, E. S. Kang, K. Hirao, and M. E. Brito, "Microstructural Design of Silicon Nitrides with Improved Fracture Toughness, I: Effects of Grain Shape and Size," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81 [11] 2821-2830 (1998).
- E. Y. Sun, P. F. Becher, K. P. Plucknett, C. H. Hsueh, K. B. Alexander, S. B. Waters, K. Hirao, and M. E. Brito, "Microstructural Design of Silicon Nitrides with Improved Fracture Toughness, II: Effects of Yttria and Alumina Additives," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 81 [11] 2831-2840 (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh, E. Y. Sun, P. F. Becher, and J. B. Li, "Some Considerations of Asymmetric Cracking in Applied Moment Double Cantilever Beam," J. Mater. Sci., 33 [15] 3891-3898 (1998).
- P. F. Becher, E. Y. Sun, C. H. Hsueh, K. P. Plucknett, H. D. Kim, K. Hirao, and M. Brito, "Toughening Behavior in Ceramics and Cermets," pp. 285-290 in The Science of Engineering Ceramics II. Edited by K. Niihara, T. Sekino, E. Yasuda, T. Sasa. Trans Tech Publications Inc., USA (1998).
- C. H. Hsueh, J. A. Haynes, M. J. Lance, P. F. Becher, M. K. Ferber, E. R. Fuller, Jr., S. A. Langer, W. C. Carter, and W. R. Cannon, "Effects of Interface Roughness on Residual Stresses in Thermal Barrier Coatings," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 [4] 1073-1075 (1999).
- T. Y. Zhang, S. Lee, L. J. Guido, and C. H. Hsueh, "Criteria of Formation of Interface Dislocations for an Epilayer Deposited on a Substrate with a Finite Thickness," J. Appl. Phys., 85 [11] 7579-7586 (1999).
- C. H. Hsueh, E. R. Fuller, Jr., S. A. Langer, and W. C. Carter, "Analytical and Numerical Analyses for Two-Dimensional Stress Transfer," Mater. Sci. Eng., A268 [1-2] 1-7 (1999).
- E. Y. Sun, P. F. Becher, C. H. Hsueh, G. S. Painter, S. B. Waters, S. L. Hwang, and M. J. Hoffmann, "Debonding Behavior between b-Si3N4 Whiskers and Oxynitride Glasses with or without an Epitaxial b-SiAlON Interfacial Layer," Acta Mater., 47 [9] 2777-2785 (1999).
- C. H. Hsueh, P. F. Becher, E. R. Fuller, Jr., S. A. Langer, and W. C. Carter, "Surface-Roughness Induced Residual Stresses in Thermal Barrier Coatings: Computer Simulations," Materials Science Forum, Vols. 308-311, 442-449 (1999).
- Y. Kagawa and C. H. Hsueh, "Model Experiment on a Protrusion Method for Measurement of Interface Shear Sliding Stress in Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Mater. Sci. Eng., 271 [1-2] 70-78 (1999).
- X. L. Wang, C. M. Hoffmann, C. H. Hsueh, G. Sarma, C. R. Hubbard, and J. R. Keiser, "Influence of Residual Stress on Thermal Expansion Behavior," Appl. Phys. Lett., 75 [21] 3294-3296 (1999).
- P. F. Becher, E. Y. Sun, C. H. Hsueh, G. S. Painter, and K. L. More, "Role of Intergranular Films in Toughened Ceramics," p. 97-105 in Engineering Ceramics '99: Multifunctional Materials, ed. by P. Sajgalik and Z. Lences, Trans Tech Publications Inc., Zurich, Switzerland (1999).
- C. H. Hsueh, M. Y. He, and P. F. Becher, "Interfacial Debonding versus Fiber fracture in Fiber-reinforced Ceramic Composites," p. 71-75 in Proceedings of The First China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics, ed. by D. S. Yan and Z. D. Guan, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China (1999).
- C. H. Hsueh and E. R. Fuller, Jr., "Analytical Modeling of Oxide Thickness Effects on Residual Stresses in Thermal Barrier Coatings," Scripta Mater., 42 [8], 781-787 (2000).
- C. H. Hsueh and E. R. Fuller, Jr., "Residual Stresses in Thermal Barrier Coating: Effects of Interface Asperity Curvature/Height and Oxide Thickness," Mater. Sci. Eng., A283 [1-2], 46-55 (2000).
- M. Y. He, C. H. Hsueh, and P. F. Becher, "Deflection versus Penetration of a Wedge-Loaded Crack: Effects of Branch-Crack Length and Penetrated-Layer Width," Composites: Part B, 31 [4] 299-308 (2000).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Edge Effects on Residual Stresses in Film Strip/Substrate Systems," J. Appl. Phys., 88 [5] 3022-3028 (2000).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Young's Modulus of Unidirectional Discontinuous Fibre Composites," Compos. Sci. Technol., 60 [14] 2671-2680 (2000).
- P. F. Becher, G. S. Painter, E. Y. Sun, C. H. Hsueh, and M. J. Lance, "The Importance of Amorphous Intergranular Films in Self-Reinforced Si3N4 Ceramics," Acta Mater., 48 [12] 4493-99 (2000).
- C. H. Hsueh, P. F. Becher, and E. Y. Sun, "Analyses of Thermal Expansion Behavior of Intergranular Two-Phase Composites," J. Mater. Sci., 36 [1] 255-261 (2001).
*** A color micrograph illustrating the residual stress field in a Si3N4 microstructure was featured on the cover of the issue of the journal.
- S. D. Wang, S. Lee, and C. H. Hsueh, "Effects of Substrate Modulus Difference on Dislocation Formation in an Epitaxial Film," Mechanics of Materials, 33 [2] 105-120 (2001).
- C. H. Hsueh, R. D. Carneim, P. F. Becher, and T. R. Armstrong, "Constrained Sintering of Electrolyte Films on Porous Electrodes," p. 293-302 in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VII, H. Yokokawa and S. Singhal, Eds., PV 2001-16, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ (2001).
- S. Lee, S. D. Wang, and C. H. Hsueh, "Critical Epitaxial Film Thickness for Forming Interface Dislocations," Mater. Sci. Eng., A309-310, 473-477 (2001).
- P. F. Becher, K. P. Plucknett, and C. H. Hsueh, “Toughening and Strengthening Response in Ni3Al-Bonded Titanium Carbide Cermets,” Z. Metallkd., 92 [8] 995-999 (2001).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Multiple Film Cracking in Film/Substrate Systems," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84 [12] 2955-2961 (2001).
- C. H. Hsueh and S. Lee, “Effects of Viscous Flow on Residual Stresses in Film/Substrate Systems,” J. Appl. Phys., 91 [5] 2760-2765 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, "Analyses of Fiber Pull-out, Push-out and Indentation for Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Recent Res. Devel. Mat. Sci., 3, 1-15 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Modeling of Elastic Deformation of Multilayers due to Residual Stresses and External Bending,” J. Appl. Phys., 91 [12] 9652-9656 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Modeling of Thermal Stresses in Passivated Interconnects,” J. Appl. Phys., 92 [1] 144-153 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Devising a Method to Measure Film Adhesion Through Modeling,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 81 [9] 1615-1617 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. K. Ferber, “Apparent Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Residual Stresses in Multilayer Capacitors,” Composites: Part A, 33, 1115–1121 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Thermal Stresses in Elastic Multilayer Systems,” Thin Solid Films, 418 [2] 182–188 (2002).
- C. H. Hsueh, S. Lee, and T. J. Chuang, “An Alternative Method of Solving Multilayer Bending Problems,” J. Appl. Mech., 70 [1] 151–154 (2003).
- S. C. Ko, S. Lee, and C. H. Hsueh, “Viscoelastic Stress Relaxation in Film/Substrate Systems – Kelvin Model,” J. Appl. Phys., 93 [5] 2453–2457 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. Yanaka, "Multiple Film Cracking in Film/Substrate Systems with Residual Stresses and Unidirectional Loading," J. Mater. Sci., 38 [8] 1809–1817 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. Miranda, “Modeling of Contact-Induced Radial Cracking in Ceramic Bilayer Coatings on Compliant Substrates,” J. Mater. Res., 18 [5] 1275–1283 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh, J. H. Kim, and D. K. Kim, “Modeling of Effects of Adhesive Interlayers on Contact-Induced Radial Cracking in Brittle Coatings on Substrates,” J. Mater. Res., 18 [6] 1481–1486 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. J. Hoffmann, "Devising a Method of Making Actuators with Reduced Poling-Induced Tension," Sens. Actuators A, 107 [1] 14–20 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh and S. Lee, “Modeling of Elastic Thermal Stresses in Two Materials Joined by a Graded Layer,”Composites B, 34 [8] 747–752 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Stress Distribution and Curvature in Graded Semiconductor Layers,” J. Crystal Growth, 258 [3–4] 302–309 (2003).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. Miranda, “Master Curves for Hertzian Indentation on Coating/Substrate Systems,” J. Mater. Res., 19 [1] 94–100 (2004).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Closed-Form Solutions for Residual Stresses in Multilayer and Graded Layer Systems,” Mathematical Modeling of Composites: 1–4 in Proceeding of Eleventh International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, D. Hui (ed.), ICCE/11, Hilton-Head Island, South Carolina (2004).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. Miranda, “Combined Empirical-Analytical Method for Determining Contact Radius and Indenter Displacement during Hertzian Indentation on Coating/Substrate Systems,” J. Mater. Res., 19 [9] 2774–2781 (2004).
- C. H. Hsueh and A. A. Wereszczak, “Multiple Cracking of Brittle Coatings on Strained Substrates,” J. Appl. Phys., 96 [6] 3501–3506 (2004).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, “Effects of Dopant Segregation on Lattice-Diffusional Creep of Nanocrystalline Ceramics,” Phys. Rev. B 71, 014115 (2005).
- M. J. Lance, C. H. Hsueh, I. N. Ivanov, and D. B. Geohegan, “Reorientation of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Composites using Compressive Loading,” J. Mater. Res., 20 [4] 1026–1032 (2005).
- C. H. Hsueh and P. F. Becher, “Effective Viscosity of Suspensions of Spheres,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 [4] 1046–1049 (2005).
- C. H. Hsueh, M. J. Lance, and M. K. Ferber, “Stress Distributions in Thin Bilayer Discs Subjected to Ball-on-ring Tests,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 [6] 1687–1690 (2005).
- C. H. Hsueh, S. Lee, and H. Y. Lin, “Analyses of Mode I Edge Delamination by Thermal Stresses in Multilayer Systems,” Composites B, 37 [1] 1–9 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, L. C. DeJonghe, and C. S. Lee, “Modelling of Thermal Stresses in Joining Two Layers with Multi- and Graded-Interlayers,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [1] 251–257 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, C. R. Luttrell, and P. F. Becher, “Analyses of Multilayered Dental Ceramics Subjected to Biaxial Flexure Tests,” Dent. Mater., 22 [5] 460–469 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, C. R. Luttrell, S. Lee, T. C. Wu, and H. Y. Lin, “Interfacial Peeling Moments and Shear Forces at Free Edges of Multilayers Subjected to Thermal Stresses,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [5] 1632–1638 (2006).
- V. Kireev, Y. Liu, Y. Braiman, B. Radhakrishnan, C. H. Hsueh, and P. F. Becher, “Thin Film Adhesion Measurement using Laser-Generated High-Power Surface Acoustic Wave,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 191911 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, P. Miranda, and P. F. Becher, “An Improved Correlation between Impression and Uniaxial Creep,” J. Appl. Phys., 99, 113513 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, S. Lee, H. Y. Lin, L. S. Chen, and W. H. Wang, “Analyses of Mechanical Failure in Nanoimprint Processes,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 433 [1-2] 316–322 (2006).
- F. Y. Chang, H. Y. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, S. H. Chang, and T. C. Wu, “Fabrication of Periodic Nanostructure in Nanoimprint Processes,” IEEE-NANO, vol. 2, 580–583 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, C. R. Luttrell, and P. F. Becher, “Modeling of Bonded Multilayered Disks Subjected to Biaxial Flexure Tests,” Int. J. Solids Struct., 43 [20] 6014–6025 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh, C. R. Luttrell, and T. Cui, “Thermal Stress Analyses for Multilayered Films on Substrates and Cantilever Beams for Micro Sensors and Actuators,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 16 [11] 2509–2515 (2006).
- C. H. Hsueh and C. R. Luttrell, “Recent Advances in Modeling Stress Distributions in Multilayers Subjected to Biaxial Flexure Tests,” Compos. Sci. Technol., 67 [2] 278–285 (2007).
- C. H. Hsueh and G. A. Thompson, “Appraisal of Formulas for Stresses in Bilayered Dental Ceramics Subjected to Biaxial Moment Loading,” J. Dent., 35 [7] 600–606 (2007).
- C. H. Hsueh, G. A. Thompson, O. M. Jadaan, A. A. Wereszczak, P. F. Becher, “Analyses of Layer-Thickness Effects in Bilayered Dental Ceramics Subjected to Thermal Stresses and Ring-on-Ring Tests,” Dent. Mater., 24 [1] 9–17 (2008).
- C. H. Hsueh, H. Bei, C. T. Liu, P. F. Becher, and E. P. George, “Shear Fracture of Bulk Metallic Glasses with Controlled Applied Normal Stresses,” Scrip. Mater., 59 [1] 111–114 (2008).
- C. H. Hsueh and M. Paranthaman, “Analytical Modeling of Residual Stresses in Multilayered Superconductor Systems,” J. Mater. Sci., 43, 6223–6232 (2008).
- C. H. Hsueh and I. G. Wright, “Origins of Tensile Stress-Induced Circumferential Cracking of Waterwall Tubes in Boilers,” Mater. at High Temp., 25 [4] 287–294 (2008).
- C. H. Hsueh, “Stresses in Multilayered Ceramics Subjected to Biaxial Flexure Tests,” Materials Science Forum, Vol. 606, p. 79–92 (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh, W. H. Tuan, and W. C. J. Wei, “Analyses of Steady-State Interface Fracture of Elastic Multilayered Beams,” Scrip. Mater., 60 [8] 721–724 (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh and J. R. Kelly, “Simple Solutions of Multilayered Discs Subjected to Biaxial Moment Loading,” Dent. Mater., 25 [4] 506–513 (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh and W. C. J. Wei, “Analyses of Effective Viscosity of Suspensions with Deformable Polydispersed Spheres,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 075503 (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh and S. Lee, Chapter 13. Recent Advances in Analytical Modeling of Residual Stresses and Edge Delamination in Multilayer Systems, p. 325–350 in Handbook of Nanoceramics and Their Based Nanodevices, Vol. 2, T-Y Tseng and H. S. Nalwa (ed.), American Scientific Publishers, CA. (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh, H. Bei, C. T. Liu, E. P. George, and P. F. Becher, “Controlled Normal/Shear Loading and Shear Fracture in Bulk Metallic Glasses,” Intermetallics, 17 [10] 802–810 (2009).
- C. C. Lin, W. C. J. Wei, C. Y. Su, and C. H. Hsueh, “Oxidation of Ni Electrode in BaTiO3 Based Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC),” J. Alloys Compd., 485, 653–659 (2009).
- C. H. Hsueh and W. C. J. Wei, “Effective Viscosity of Semidilute Suspensions of Rigid Ellipsoids,” J. Appl. Phys., 107, 024905 (2010).
- N. A. Hatab, C. H. Hsueh, A. Gaddis, S. T. Retterer, J. H. Li, G. Eres, Z. Zhang, and B. Gu, “Free-Standing Optical Gold Bowtie Nanoantenna with Variable Gap Size for Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” Nano Lett., 10 [12], 4952–4955 (2010).
- C. Y. S. Chang, W. C. J. Wei, and C. H. Hsueh, “Viscosity of Ba-B-Si-Al-O Glass Measured by Indentation Creep Test at Operating Temperature of IT-SOFC,” J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 1414–1419 (2011).
- X. Xu, K. Seal, X. Xu, I. Ivanov, C. H. Hsueh, N. A. Hatab, L. Yin, X. Zhang, Z. Cheng, B. Gu, Z. Zhang, and J. Shen, “High Tunability of the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Response with a Metal–Multiferroic Composite,” Nano Lett., 11 [3], 1265–1269 (2011).
- C. W. Huang and C. H. Hsueh, “Piston-on-Three-Ball Versus Piston-on-Ring in Evaluating the Biaxial Strength of Dental Ceramics,” Dent. Mater., 27 [6], e117–e123 (2011).
- C. C. Lin, W. Fang, H. Y. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, and S. Lee, “Measurements of Residual Stresses in Al Film/Silicon Nitride Substrate Microcantilever Beam Systems,” J. Mater. Res., 26 [10] 1279–1284 (2011).
- K. J. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, and K. F. Lin, “Shear Strength Measurements of Ductile Polymer Films with Controlled Normal to Shear Angles,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 128 [1–2], 177–180 (2011).
- Y. W. Lo, W. C. J. Wei, and C. H. Hsueh, “Low Thermal Conductivity of Porous Al2O3 Foams for SOFC Insulation,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 129 [1–2], 326–330 (2011).
- C. H. Hsueh, C. H. Lin, J. H. Li, N. A. Hatab, and B. Gu, “Resonance Modes, Cavity Field Enhancements, and Long-Range Collective Photonic Effects in Periodic Bowtie Nanostructures,” Opt. Express, 19 [20], 19660–19667 (2011).
- J. H. Li, S. W. Chen, Y. Chou, M. C. Wu, C. H. Hsueh, and W. F. Su, “Effects of Gold Film Morphology on Surface Plasmon Resonance Using Periodic P3HT:PMMA/Au Nanostructures on Silicon Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” J. Phys. Chem. C 115 [49], 24045–24053 (2011).
- K. J. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, and K. F. Lin, “Novel Method to Measure the Shear Strength of Exfoliated Montmorillonite/Polymer Nanocomposite Films,” Polym. Int., 61, 174–179 (2012).
- P. Yiu, J. S. C. Jang, S. Y. Chang, Y. C. Chen, J. P. Chu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Plasticity Enhancement of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses by Direct Current Electropulsing,” J. Alloys Compd., 525, 68–72 (2012).
- C. H. Yu, C. W. Huang, C. S. Chen, Y. Gao, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Grain Boundary Heterogeneities on Creep Fracture Studied by Rate-Dependent Cohesive Model,” Eng. Fract. Mech., 93, 48–64 (2012).
- P. Yiu, Y. C. Chen, J. P. Chu, S. Y. Chang, H. Bei, J. S. C. Jang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Rapid Relaxation and Embrittlement of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses by Electropulsing,” Intermetallics, 34, 43–48 (2013).
- C. H. Yu, C. W. Huang, C. S. Chen, Y. Gao, and C. H. Hsueh, “A Micromechanics Study of Competing Mechanisms for Creep Fracture of Zirconium Diboride Polycrystals,” J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 33, 1625–1637 (2013).
- J. S. Peng, W. Fang, H. Y. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, and S. Lee, “Measurements of Residual Stresses in Parylene C Film/Silicon Substrate Using Microcantilever Beam,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 23, 095001 (2013).
- G. L. Chen, Y. J. Chang, and C. H. Hsueh, “PRAP: An ab initio Software Package for Automated Genome Wide Analysis of DNA Repeats for Prokaryotes,” Bioinformatics, 29, [21] 2683–2689 (2013).
- W. Diyatmika, J. P. Chu, Y. W. Yen, and C. H. Hsueh, “Sn Whisker Mitigation by a Thin Metallic-Glass Underlayer in Cu-Sn,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 241912 (2013).
- L. W. Nien, S. C. Lin, B. K. Chao, M. J. Chen, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Giant Electric Field Enhancement and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance by Optimizing Contour Bowtie Nanoantennas,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 117 [47] 25004–25011 (2013)
- K. Y. Chen, C. W. Huang, M. Wu, W. C. J. Wei, and C. H. Hsueh, “Advanced Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors,” J. Mater. Sci. - Mater. Electron., 25, 627–634 (2014).
- T. C. Huang, T. L. Yang, J. H. Ke, C. H. Hsueh, and C. R. Kao, “ Effects of Sn grain orientation on substrate dissolution and intermetallic precipitation in solder joints under electron current stressing,” Scrip. Mater., 80, 37–40 (2014).
- T. L. Yang, J. J. Yu, W. L. Shih, C. H. Hsueh, and C. R. Kao, “ Effects of Silver Addition on Cu-Sn Microjoints for Chip-Stacking,” J. Alloys Compd., 605, 193–198 (2014).
- K. Y. Chen, C. W. Huang, M. Wu, W. C. J. Wei, and C. H. Hsueh, “Control of Stress Concentration in Surface Mounted Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor Subjected to Bending,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 [4] 1170–1176 (2014).
- C. S. Chen, P. Yiu, C. L. Li, J. P. Chu, C. H. Shek, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Annealing on Mechanical Behavior of Zr-Ti-Ni Thin Film Metallic Glasses,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A., 608, 258–264 (2014).
- W. Diyatmika, J. P. Chu, Y. W. Yen, W. Z. Chang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Thin Film Metallic Glass as an Underlayer for Tin Whisker Mitigation: A Room Temperature Evaluation,” Thin Solid Films, 561, 93–97 (2014).
- C. H. Hsueh (2014) Delamination at Free Edges. In Hetnarski RB (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Vol 2, pp 890 – 901. Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London.
- A. T. Negussie, W. Diyatmika, J. P. Chu, Y. L. Shen, J. S. C. Jang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Annealing-induced Shape Recovery in Thin Film Metallic Glass,” J. Alloys Compd., 613, 157–163 (2014).
- P. Yiu, C. H. Hsueh, and C. H. Shek, “Rapid Thermoplastic Forming of Fe-Based Metallic Glass Foil Achieved by Electropulsing,” Mater. Lett., 136, 353–355 (2014).
- C. H. Yu, M. W. Bird, C. W. Huang, C. S. Chen, Y. Gao, K. W. White, and C. H. Hsueh, “Micromechanics Modeling of Creep Fracture of Zirconium Diboride-Silicon Carbide Composites at 1400 to 1700 ºC,” J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 34, 4145–4155 (2014).
- C. Y. Nien, H. K. Wang, C. H. Chen, S. Ii, S. K. Wu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Superelasticity of TiNi-based Shape Memory Alloys at Micro/Nanoscale,” J. Mater Res., 29 [22], 2717–2726 (2014).
- S. W. Chen, Y. H. Huang, B. K. Chao, C. H. Hsueh, and J. H. Li, “Electric Field Enhancement and Far-field Radiation Pattern of the Nanoantenna with Concentric Rings,” Nanoscale Res. Lett., 9:681 (2014).
- A. T. Negussie, J. P. Chu, W. Diyatmika, C. M. Lee, C. C. Yu, Y. L. Shen, and C. H. Hsueh, “Annealing-induced Indentation Recovery in Thin Film Metallic Glasses: Effects of Indenter Tip Geometry, Film Thickness and Film Composition,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 261, 350–355 (2015).
- C. W. Wang, P. Yiu, J. P. Chu, C. H. Shek, and C. H. Hsueh, “Zr-Ti-Ni Thin Film Metallic Glass as a Diffusion Barrier between Copper and Silicon,” J. Mater. Sci., 50, 2085–2092 (2015).
- J. J. Yu, C. A. Yang, Y. F. Lin, C. H. Hsueh, and C. R. Kao, “Optimal Ag Addition for the Elimination of Voids in Ni/SnAg/Ni Micro Joints for 3D IC Applications,” J. Alloys Compd., 629, 16–21 (2015).
- C. W. Huang, B. T. Chen, K. Y. Chen, C. H. Hsueh, W. C. Wei, and C. T. Lee, “Finite Element Analysis and Design of Thermal-Mechanical Stresses in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors,” Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 12 [2] 451–460 (2015).
- L. W. Nien, B. K. Chao, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Optimized Sensitivity and Electric Field Enhancement by Controlling Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances for Bowtie Nanoring Nanoantenna Arrays,” Plasmonics, 10, 553–561 (2015).
- P. Snijders, X. Xu, S. C. Lin, Q. Li, Z. Zhang, I. Ivanov, Y. Li, W. Wang, B. Gu, Z. Zhang, C. H. Hsueh, and K. Seal "Optical control of Fluorescence through Plasmonic Eigenmode Extinction," Sci. Rep. 5, 9911; DOI:10.1038/srep09911 (2015).
- B. K. Chao, H. H. Cheng, L. W. Nien, M. J. Chen, T. Nagao, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Anti-Reflection Textured Structures by Wet Etching and Island Lithography for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 357, 615–621 (2015).
- B. K. Chao, S. C. Lin, L. W. Nien, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Corner Radius on Periodic Nanoantenna for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” J. Optics, 17, 125002 (2015).
- P. Yiu, C. H. Hsueh, and C. H. Shek, “Electroplastic Forming in a Fe-based Metallic Glass Ribbon,” J. Alloys Compd., 658, 795–799 (2016).
- M. H. Chien, L. W. Nien, B. K. Chai, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of the Rotation-angle on Surface Plasmon Coupling of Nanoprisms,” Nanoscale, 8, 3660–3670 (2016).
- L. W. Nien, M. H. Chien, B. K. Chao, M. J. Chen, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “3D Nanostructures of Silver Nanoparticle-Decorated Suspended Graphene for SERS Detection,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 120, 3448–3457 (2016).
- C. H. Chang, C. H. Hsieh, J. C. Huang, C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, C. H. Hsueh, X. H. Du, Z. K. Wang, and X. Wang, “Designing a Stronger Interface Through Graded Structures in Amorphous/Nanocrystalline ZrCu/Cu Multilayered Films,” Nanotechnology, 27, 225701 (2016).
- S. C. Lin, N. A. Hatab, B. Gu, B. K. Chao, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Free-standing Gold Elliptical Nanoantenna with Tunable Wavelength in Near Infrared Region for Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. A., 122:674 (2016).
- Y. H. Wu, C. Wang, C. H. Hsueh, T. H. Li, C. H. Chang, H. C. Chen, J. S. C. Jang, J. C. Huang, and Z. H. Ma, "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Zr-Ti-Cu-Nd Metallic Glass Composites," J. Alloys Compd., 702, 318-326 (2017).
- T. Lee, B. K. Chao, Y. L. Kuo, and C. H. Hsueh, "Improvement of Photocatalytic Activities of Ag/P25 Hybrid Systems by Controlled Morphology of Ag Nanostructures," Mater. Chem. Phys., 192, 78-85 (2017).
- C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, J. P. Chu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Viscous Flow and Viscosity Measurement of Low-temperature Imprintable AuCuSi Thin Film Metallic Glasses Investigated by Nanoindentation Creep,” Mater. Design, 123, 112–119 (2017).
- H. C. Ho, L. W. Nien, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Suspended Graphene with Periodic Dimer Nanostructure on Si Cavities for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Applications,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 171111 (2017).
- M. H. Chuang, C. Wang, B. K. Chao, W. L. Kao, J. J. Shyue, and C. H. Hsueh, “Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Zr-Ti-Ni Thin Film Metallic Glasses Modified with Minor SF6,” Compos. Part B 129, 243–250 (2017).
- B. K. Chao, Y. Xu, H. C. Ho, P. Yiu, Y. C. Lai, C. H. Shek, and C. H. Hsueh , “Gold-rich Ligament Nanostructure by Dealloying Au-based Metallic Glass Ribbon for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering,” Sci. Rep. 7:7485 (2017).
- L. W. Nien, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, S. Ishii, C. H. Hsueh, and T. Nagao, “Far-field and Near-field Monitoring of Hybridized Optical Modes from Au Nanoprisms Suspended on Graphene/Si Nanopillar Array,” Nanoscale 9, 16950–16959 (2017).
- C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, J. P. Chu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Viscous Flow and Viscosity Measurement of Low-temperature Imprintable AuCuSi Thin Film Metallic Glasses Investigated by Nanoindentation Creep,” Nanotechnology Engineering, Advances in Engineering, November 21, 2017.
- W. T. Jhou, C. Wang, S. Ii, H. S. Chiang, and C. H. Hsueh, “TiNiCuAg Shape Memory Alloy Films for Biomedical Applications,” J. Alloys Compd., 738, 336–344 (2018).
- W. T. Jhou, C. Wang, S. Ii, and C. H. Hsueh, “Nanoscaled Superelastic Behavior of Shape Memory Alloy/Metallic Glass Multilayered Films,” Compos. Part B, 142, 193–199 (2018).
- C. Wang, L. W. Nien, H. C. Ho, Y. C. Lai, and C. H. Hsueh, “Surface Plasmon Excited on Imprintable Thin Film Metallic Glasses for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Applications,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 1 [2], 908–914 (2018).
- Y. C. Lai, H. C. Ho, B. W. Shih, F. Y. Tsai, and C. H. Hsueh, “High Performance and Reusable SERS Substrates Using Ag/ZnO Heterostructure on Periodic Silicon Nanotube Substrate,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 439, 852–858 (2018).
- Y. C. Lai, L. W. Nien, H. C. Ho, J. H. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Molecular Sensing and Color Manipulation Based on Dimension-controlled Plasmon-enhanced Silicon Nanotube SERS Substrates,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 122, 8510–8516 (2018).
- C. H. Hsueh, “SERS Substrates by Vacuum-free Dealloying of Au-based Metallic Glass Ribbons,” Atlas of Science, pp. 1–3, May 11, 2018.
- L. W. Chen, C. Wang, Y. C. Liao, C. L. Li, T. H. Chuang and C. H. Hsueh, “Design of Diffusion Barrier and Buffer Layers for b-Zn4Sb3 Mid-temperature Thermoelectric Modules,” J. Alloys Compd., 762, 631–636 (2018).
- C. H. Hsueh, M. J. Liao, S. H. Wang, Y. T. Tsai, J. R. Yang, R. Wu, and W. S. Lee, “Size Effect and Strain Induced Double Twin by Nanoindentation in DSS Weld Metal of Vibration-Assisted GTAW,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 219, 40–50 (2018).
- C. A. Wang, H. C. Ho, and C. H. Hsueh, “Periodic ZnO-elevated Gold Dimer Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Applications,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 27016–27023 (2018).
- Y. K. Lin, Y. S. Chen, and C. H. Hsueh, “Combined Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching and Anisotropic Wet Etching for Anti-Reflection Inverted Pyramidal Cavities on Dendrite-like Textured Substrates,” Results Phys., 12, 244–249 (2019).
- Y. K. Lin, Y. T. Hong, J. J. Shyue, and C. H. Hsueh, “Construction of Schottky Junction Solar Cell Using Silicon Nanowires and Multi-layered Graphene,” Superlattices Microstruct., 126, 42–48 (2019).
- C. L. Wu, C. H. Hsueh, and J. H. Li, “Surface Plasmons Excited by Multiple Layer Grating,” Opt. Express, 27 [2], 1660–1671 (2019).
- C. H. Yu, C. W. Huang, C. S. Chen, and C. H. Hsueh, “Micromechanics Modeling of Creep Fracture of High-Temperature Ceramics,” Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, C. H. Hsueh, et al. (eds.), Chapter 33, pp. 1035–1091, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
- C. H. Hsueh, “Modeling of Multilayered Disc Subjected to Biaxial Flexure Tests,” Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, C. H. Hsueh, et al. (eds.), Chapter 34, pp. 1093–1125, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
- C. Wang, T. H. Li, Y. C. Liao, C. L. Li, J. S. C. Jang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Hardness and Strength Enhancements of CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy with Nd Doping,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A 764, 138192 (2019).
- H. C. Ho, Y. C. Lai, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, C. H. Hsueh, and T. Nagao, “High Quality Thermochromic VO2 Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Using V2O5 Target with in-situ Annealing,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 495, 143436 (2019).
- Y. Liu, Y. S. Chang, Y. J. Hsu, B. J. Hwang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Fabrication of WO3 photoanode decorated with Au nanoplates and its enhanced photoelectrochemical properties,” Electrochim. Acta, 321, 134674 (2019).
- Y. S. Chen, H. C. Ho, Y. C. Lai, T. Nagao, and C. H. Hsueh, “Thermochromic vanadium dioxide film on textured silica substrate for smart window with enhanced visible transmittance and tunable infrared radiation,” Infrared Phys. Technol., 102, 103019 (2019).
- H. C. Ho, K. Chen, T. Nagao, and C. H. Hsueh, “Photocurrent Enhancements of TiO2-Based Nanocomposites with Gold Nanostructures/Reduced Graphene Oxide on Nanobranched Substrate,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 21103–21113 (2019).
- Y. S. Chen, B. K. Chao, T. Nagao, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Ag Particle Geometry on Photocatalytic Performance of Ag/TiO2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Ternary Systems,” Mater. Chem. Phys., 240, 122216 (2020).
- Y. C. Hsu, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Al addition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNiAlx High Entropy Alloy Films,” Entropy, 22, 2 (2020).
- S. Fang, C. Wang, C. L. Li, J. H. Luan, Z. B. Jiao, C. T. Liu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNiVx High Entropy Alloy Films,” J. Alloys Compd., 820, 153388 (2020).
- J. T. Liang, K. C. Cheng, S. H. Chen, J. H. Chen, S. Stadler, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Study on the Continuous Phase Evolution and Physical Properties of Gas-Atomized High-Entropy Alloy Powders,” Mater. Res. Express, 7, 026545 (2020).
- C. Wang, K. F. Lin, Y. L. Zhao, T. Yan, T. L. Zhang, W. H. Liu, C. H. Hsueh, H. C. Lin, J. J. Kai, and C. T. Liu, “Martensitic Transformation and Mechanical Properties of a Medium-Entropy Alloy,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A 786, 139371 (2020).
- Z. Wang, C. Wang, Y. L. Zhao, Y. C. Hsu, C. L. Li, J. J. Kai, C. T. Liu, and C. H. Hsueh, “High Hardness and Fatigue Resistance of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films with Ultrahigh-Density Nanotwins,” Int. J. Plast., 131, 102726 (2020).
- Y. C. Liao, C. H. Hsueh, and W. S. Lee, “Enhancement of String Tension Using Thin-Film Metallic Glass Coatings,” Recent Prog. Mater., DOI: 10.21926/rpm.2002014 (2020).
- Z. Wang, C. Wang, Y. L. Zhao, T. H. Huang, C. L. Li, J. J. Kai, C. T. Liu, C. H. Hsueh, “Growth, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films,” Vacuum, 179, 109553 (2020).
- Y. C. Hsu, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Modifications of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films by Adding Ti Element,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 399, 126149 (2020).
- Z. Wang, D. Y. Li, Y. Y. Yao, Y. L. Kuo, and C. H. Hsueh, “Wettability, Electron Work Function and Corrosion Behavior of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 400, 126222 (2020).
- C. E. Chou, Y. L. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. H. Hsueh, F. Yang, and S. Lee, “Thermomechanical Deformation of Polyethylene-Terephthalate Artificial Muscles,” Polymer, 210, 123013 (2020).
- H. C. Lai, Y. J. Wang, C. A. Dai, C. H. Hsueh, S. J. Wang, and J. H. Li, “Kinetin Detection Enhancement Based on Photonic Nanojets and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. in Quantum Electron., 27 [4] 7100208 (2021).
- Y. C. Lu, W. H. Chiang, C. Y. Liu, J. P. Chu, H. C. Ho, and C. H. Hsueh, and “Wafer-scale SERS Metallic Nanotube Arrays with Highly Ordered Periodicity,” Sensor Actuat. B-Chem., 329, 129132 (2021).
- Z. Wang, C. Wang, Y. L. Zhao, J. J. Kai, C. T. Liu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Fatigue Studies of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films Using Nanoindentation Dynamic Mechanical Analyses,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 410, 126927 (2021).
- Z. Wang, C. Wang, Y. L. Zhao, J. J. Kai, C. T. Liu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Nanotwinned CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films for Flexible Electronic Device Applications,” Vacuum, 189, 110249 (2021).
- T. H. Huang and C. H. Hsueh, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of (CoCrFeMnNi)100-xMox High Entropy Alloy Films,” Intermetallics, 135, 107236 (2021).
- Y. C. Lu and C. H. Hsueh, “Fabrication of Periodic Ag Tetrahedral Nanopyramids via H2O2-Assisted Nanosphere Lithography for Plasmonic Applications,” Colloids Surf. A, 628, 127278 (2021).
- H. F. Ou, Y. K. Lin, and C. H. Hsueh. “Structural and Optical Properties of Textured Silicon Substrates by Three-Step Chemical Etching,” Langmuir, 37, 9622–9629 (2021).
- Y. Lin, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Cerium Addition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Films,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 424, 127645 (2021).
- P. J. Chen and C. H. Hsueh, “Imprintable Au-Based Thin-Film Metallic Glasses with Different Crystallinities for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” J. Phys. Chem. C., 125, 23983–23990 (2021).
- Y. H. Liang, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Nb Addition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Nbx-CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films,” Coatings, 11 [12] 1539 (2021).
- S. N. Chan and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of La Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy,” J. Alloys Compd., 894, 162401 (2022).
- X. Hong and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Yttrium Addition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy,” Intermetallics, 140, 107405 (2022).
- N. H. Gan, Y. H. Sun, T. C. Tsao, C. L. Li, J. H. Liu, H. W. Yen, C. H. Hsueh, J. R.Yang, J. W. Yeh, H. Y. Chang, and W. H. Hou, “Verification of the Ability of Cu to Dissolve in BCC δ in a δ-γ Solid Solution above 1200 ºC and boosting d nano-hardness in Cu-containing PHSS,” Scr. Mater., 211, 114505 (2022).
- Y. C. Lu and C. H. Hsueh, “Subwavelength VO2 Nanoparticle Films for Smart Window Applications,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 5, 2923–2934 (2022).
- T. H. Huang and C. H. Hsueh, “Enhanced Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Films with Mo Doping,” Materials Engineering, Advances in Engineering, March 4, 2022.
- C. Wang, P. J. Chen, and C. H. Hsueh, “Au-based Thin Film Metallic Glasses for Propagating Surface Plasmon Resonance-based Sensor Application,” ACS Omega, 7, 18780–18785 (2022).
- W. C. Chang, Y. C. Lu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Oxide Dispersion Strengthening of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Using TiO2 Particles,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 859, 144196 (2022).
- R. S. Karmakar, C. P. Chu, C. L. Li, C. H. Hsueh, Y. C. Liao and Y. W. Lu, “Skin-Inspired Tactile Sensor on Cellulose Fiber Substrates with Interfacial Microstructure for Health Monitoring and Guitar Posture Feedback,” Biosensors, 13, 174 (2023).
Y. Lin, Y. C. Lu, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, “Modifying Crystallinity and Mechanical Properties of (CoCrNi)95.8Ce4.2 Medium Entropy Alloy Films by Post-Annealing Treatment,” Surf. Coat. Technol., 456, 129265 (2023).
L. C. Chang, Y. C. Lu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Aluminum Addition on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of NbTiVZr High-Entropy Alloy Nitride Films,” Intermetallics, 156, 107868 (2023).
Y. J. Yeh, J. P. Chu, J. D. You, T. H. Chang, J. R. Liou, W. H. Chiang, P. Yiu, C. H. Hsueh, Y. L. Shen, K. L. Tung, “Tunable Nanostructured Stainless-Steel Coating for High-Selective and High-Permeable Separation Membranes for Oil/Water Emulsions,”
npj Clean Water, 6, 17 (2023).
Y. S. Lin, Y. C. Lu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Strengthening of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy with Gadolinium Additions,” Vacuum, 211, 111969 (2023).
S. H. Chiou, H. C. Ho, H. T. Liao, F. Y. Tsai, C. W. Tsao, Y. J. Hsu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Plasmonic Gold Nanoplates-Decorated ZnO Branched Nanorods@TiO2 Nanorods Heterostructure Photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,” J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 443 , 114816 (2023).
L. Y. Guo, Y. C. Lu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Erbium Additions on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy,” J. Mater. Eng. Perform.
S. K. Siddique, H. Sadek, C. W. Wang, C. C. Lee, C. Y. Tsai, S. Y. Chang, C. L. Li, and C. H. Hsueh, and R. M. Ho, “Diamond-Structured Nanonetwork Gold as Mechanical Metamaterials from Bottom-Up Approach,” NPG Asia Mater., 15-36 (2023).
W. C. Chang and C. H. Hsueh, “Strengthening of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy with Ti Additions,” Intermetallics, 163 , 108072 (2023).
L. Y. Guo, Y. C. Lu, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Erbium Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy,” J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 33, 4856–4866 (2024).
H. W. Peng and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Silicon and Neodymium Additions on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Films,”
Surf. Coat. Technol., 476, 130206 (2024).
Y. L. Wu, C. C. Tsai, P. Y. Chen, J. D. You, and C. H. Hsueh, “Transforming Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of (CoCrNi)93–xAl7Ndx Medium Entropy Alloy Films by Annealing,” Surf. Coat. Technol, 528, 130206 (2024).
Y. C. Lu and C. H. Hsueh, “Simulations and Experimental Studies of Thermochromic Performances of Multilayered VO2 Nanocone Array for Energy-Saving Smart Window Applications,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 661, 160083 (2024).
Y. S. Lin and C. H. Hsueh, “Mitigation of Strength-Ductility Trade-off of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloys with Heterogenous Structure by Controlled Gd Addition and Annealing,” Mater. Sci. Eng., A902 , 146630 (2024).
P. Y. Chen and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Ti Addition and Annealing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy,” J. Mater. Sci., 59, 10526–10540 (2024).
J. Liang, J. H. Chang, and C. H. Hsueh, “Effects of Oxygen Content, Mn/S Ratio, Cu Content, Hot-Rolling, and Annealing on Morphology/Distribution of MnS Inclusions and Microstructure/Mechanical Properties of Free-Cutting Stainless Steel,”
JALMES, 7, 100094 (2024).
- Chun-Hway Hsueh, Editor-in-Chief, Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Volume 1 (ISBN: 978-981-10-6883-6), pp. 1–821, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
- Chun-Hway Hsueh, Editor-in-Chief, Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Volume 2, pp. 823–1412, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
- Chun-Hway Hsueh, Editor-in-Chief, Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Volume 3, pp. 1413–2431, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.